A pyramid in the middle of the naked dessert, like in ancient Egypt, hints at the meticulousness within. At the foot of this triangular protuberance, on both sides, two ponds lay carving their way down in the soil, more interested in inner affairs than mundane ones. On the northern shoreline of the ponds, two symmetric thin lines of pitch black undergrowth thrive, leaning submissively all as one.
Should the traveller dare head further northwards, misled by the apparent quietness of the landscape left behind, they would be warned by the long creases which cross the rather broad barren of the tumultuous nature of what is to come, a wild forest of jet black wires that flourish in anarchy, as if each one was endowed with own will, trying to be different from each other. This wilderness on the surface mirrors nothing but the bustling activity in the core buried deep underground.
As the climate plays a role shaping the landscape, the impact of environmental factors can also be spotted on this particular scenery, like the increasingly abundant pearl white wires which seem to have been drained of life through the sheer exhaustion brought about by the ruthless demands of this thing called life.