Wednesday, 6 November 2013

A story about gain and loss

Green, painfully green; as painful a green as the sight of all that was dear to you and has been lost in the way. Green, soothingly green; as soothing a green as the sight of the only familiar thing that remains in a world that means nothing to you, absolutely nothing. Right now, this deep green, as soothing as painful, as painful as soothing, is all that I've got, and there is nothing I can do. 
But there was a time when things were different. I used to be a wealthy man, wealthy in every single aspect of life. It could be said that I possessed everything that was worth possessing. 
And I must add, in my defence, that I held everything in the highest regard: it hasn't been a loss through waste what I have suffered. In fact, I was so aware of how fortunate I was that I kept everything I was fond of in the most meticulously arranged place: an enormous storage buried deep underground, solely accessible for those able enough to find their way out of a wickedly tangled maze of subterranean tunnels. Into the storage, a series of aisles were separated by rows of wooden shelves that faded in the distance as one strained their eyes trying to locate the end of the corridors.
And there was an amazing variety of items kept there: everything I had come across during my life, everyone I had met, and even replicas (or were them the original ones?) of everyplace I had been to.
But one day this frightening man appeared. He was as old as mankind, and there are no better adjectives to describe him than evil, ruthless, unstoppable and extremely effective.
He somehow managed to break into my sacred chamber and began stealing my most recent acquisitions. At first I didn't notice their absence, but as time went by and more and dearer items began missing I realized that I was being helplessly stripped of everything I had. I gradually lost my favorite objects, my most precious places, my dearest friends and relatives, and eventually I lost my own self, everything but these pair of green discs that stare at me from this unrecognizable face in the room beyond this crystal-like surface.
"Hi daddy, how are you feeling today?" Asked me a perfect stranger.

1 comment:

  1. Blimmey mate... looks like blooy Poe's back!! I wish I could write that way. Qouting one of today's sharpest minds: "in two words, Im pressive". Congrats dude!!
